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The Small Household, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
The Small Household, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Girl with a Bird, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
The Traveling Children, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
The Caravan, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Second Guard-Room, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Two Cupids, One Holding Torches, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Frontispiece, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Two Cupids, One Holding a Wreath, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Two Cupids, One Holding a Ball, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
La pesche chinoise (Chinese Fishing), from Chinoiseries, after 1743. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
L'audience de l'Empereur chinois (The audience of the Chinese Emperor), from Chinois..., after 1743. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
La Chasse Chinoise (The Chinese Hunt), from Chinoiseries, after 1743. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Le Jardin Chinoise (The Chinese Garden), from Chinoiseries, after 1743. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Leapfrog, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
First Guard-Room, ca. 1754. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
The Good Mother, 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
La marchande d'oyseaux (The Bird Merchant), 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Bagpipes, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Head of a Woman, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Frontispiece, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Descent from the Cross.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Entombment of Christ.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Resurrection.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Crucifixion.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Frontispiece to the series The Life of Christ.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Carrying the Cross.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Elevation of the Cross.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Christ appearing to Mary Magdelen.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Division of the Bread.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Nativity.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Frontispice to Theatre Italien.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
La Colation preparee dans un jardin.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Arlequin Mecontent de Son Peintre.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
The Death of Maitre Andre.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Harlequin, Emperor on the Moon.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
The Death of Maitre Andre.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Pierrot and Scaramouche show the portrait of Harlequin.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Harlequin, Emperor on the Moon.n.d. Creators: Claude Gillot, Jacques Gabriel Huquier.